This release will focus on backend fixes and enhancements, including the following:
DMS Labor Rate When Adding a Custom Operation
This release will focus on enhancing usability for users with a Procede integration. Currently, the DMS Labor Rate only shows after the user adds and saves a custom operation. This enhancement will provide the DMS labor rate as the default when a user adds a custom operation.
Cases Assigned to "Hino Diagnostics Team"
We are working on the Hino Diagnostics integration, so that cases created through this integration will automatically be assigned to “Hino Diagnostics Team”. This update will also correct any previously mis-assigned cases.
Telematics Dropdown List: New Providers
We will be adding ParTech and Bosch to the Telematics Provider dropdown list on the Edit Asset page.
As always, any further information on these items will be provided in the Release Notes the morning after the deployment.
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