Several changes have been made to help both the Service Provider and Fleet users easily identify whether an asset already has any open cases or pending service requests. This article is focused on Fleet users.
This enhancement will allow the user to view any pending service requests and any open cases when creating a case on the Asset Search Results screen, regardless of how long ago they were created (this used to be limited to the past 30 days). Users will also be able to view these at any time from the Show Asset screen.
When Searching for an Asset
- Once a user has searched for a unit on the Asset Search Results screen, they will be able to see if there are any open cases or pending service requests. If so, a link to "View" the respective list will be displayed, highlighted yellow.
Clicking the link to view them will provide a pop-up modal with a list of all open cases or pending service requests for the asset.
- The cases shown include open cases at any service provider location in the service network.
The service requests shown include only pending service requests for that asset, meaning service requests that have not been accepted, declined, or canceled at any location.
The pop-up modal can be closed, or a button can be clicked to take the user to the Show Asset screen, with the appropriate tab displayed.
Viewing Cases and Service Requests on the Show Asset Screen
Viewing Cases
On the Show/Edit Asset screen, a new CASES tab has been added which replaces two tabs: CASE HISTORY and IN-PROGRESS CASES.
- The new CASES tab displays all Open Cases in the top section of the tab; the far right column indicates whether the case is "Active", meaning created within past 30 days, or "Inactive".
- Closed Cases appear in a separate section of the tab which can be displayed/opened by the user.
- Note also that the tab that used to be called PENDING WORK is now called DEFERRED OPERATIONS to more accurately reflect its contents.
Viewing Service Requests
- A new SERVICE REQUESTS tab has been added, which displays all Service Requests for the asset that were initiated by the fleet. "Pending" requests are initially displayed at the top of the list.
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