Fleet Users
New Contact Groups Added to Notes
When you're adding a note to a case and selecting recipients for that note, you can now choose from users and contacts in the following new contact groups:
- Fleet Users - other users at your Fleet Location
- Depot - contacts added to the Asset Depot
- Bill To - contacts added to the Bill To Customer by the service provider
- Ship To - contacts added to the Ship To Customer by the service provider
- Dealer Customer Contacts - contacts added to the Case Customer by the service provider
The new groups help you narrow your search for the right recipients. They are automatically added and populated to your recipient list as part of this release. To add them to a note, select the contact group from the RECIPIENTS dropdown on the Notes tab, then select and add them just as you would any other recipient.
If you have any questions about the names within each group, contact your admin.
See also: Send and Receive Fleet Notes
Job Role Added to User Profiles and Contact Details
A new Job Role field was added to your User Profile page. When you select a Job Role, it shows up next to your name when other users search for you, so they can easily identify you when sending notes.
The field was added for every user and to the contact detail pages for any contact created in the system. If a user or contact has a Job Role saved, it will display next to their name in the Recipients list when creating a note, so you can also easily identify them, too.
To add your Job Role to your profile, select MY PROFILE from the menu bar in the Portal, and look for the new Job Role field. The dropdown includes a full list of options including "Other" in case you don't find one that fits.
See also: Set Up Your Fleet User Profile
Fleet Admins
Job Role Added to User Profiles and Depot Contacts
You can now assign a job role to any user or depot contact in the system.
The job role you select appears next to their name when users search for them in the system. It helps other users identify them when selecting recipients for a note. Their job role does not affect their permissions or access to the system.
To add a job role to a user, open their profile for editing, and select it from the new field on the page called Job Role. The dropdown includes a full list of options including "Other" in case you don't find one that fits.
To add it to a depot contact, select the contact from the depot, and use the same Job Role field added to the Edit Contact page.
See also: Manage User and Permissions & Manage Depots
Provider Users
New Contact Groups Added to Notes
When you're adding a note to a case, whether it's on the Notes tab of the case or during the check-in process, you can now choose users and contacts in the following new contact groups as recipients of your note:
- Bill To - contacts added to the Bill To Customer
- Ship To - contacts added to the Ship To Customer
- Dealer Customer Contacts - contacts added to the Case Customer
The new groups help you narrow your search and select recipients based on the context of your note. They are automatically added and populated in the RECIPIENTS dropdown as part of this release. To add them to a note, select the contact group from the RECIPIENTS dropdown, then select and add them just as you would any other recipient.
If you have any questions about the names within each group, contact your admin.
See also: Send and Receive Case Notes
Job Role Added to User Profiles and Contact Details
A new Job Role field was added to your User Profile page. When you select a job role, it shows up next to your name when other users search for you, so they can easily identify you when sending notes.
The field was added for every user and to the contact detail pages for any contact created in the system. If a user or contact has a job role saved, it will display next to their name in the recipients list when creating a note, so you can also more easily identify them.
To add your job role to your profile, select MY PROFILE from the menu bar in the Portal, and look for the new Job Role field. The dropdown includes a full list of options including "Other" in case you don't find one that fits.
See also: How do I update my user profile?
Process for Adding Multiple Parts Made Easier
All users, regardless of permissions, now have an easier time entering multiple parts on the Edit Operation page. After you type in a part number, if you press Enter, the part is saved and a new row is added with your cursor still on it so you can enter in the next part. You can quickly enter a part, hit Enter, enter a part, hit Enter, and so on.
Previously, this functionality was only available to Parts Counter Reps or Parts Managers.
See also: Add Operations and Parts to a Case
Message Displays When a Local Customer Has Invalid Data
Previously, if you tried to update or delete a Local Customer from the system, you received an error and couldn't save your changes if the Local Customer had invalid data, such as words in a phone number or fake email addresses, uploaded to its profile.
Now if that happens, we display a message on the screen telling you which fields are preventing you from saving, so you can fix the issue and complete your task.
See also: Manage Customers
Issues Fixed - Operations Not Appearing on Versioned Estimates
Users were experiencing an issue when a new version of an estimate included the price for an operation but the operation itself wasn't listed on the PDF. This occurred if the operation had an invalid VMRS code for its Complaint, Cause, or Correction.
To fix this issue and make sure the operation appears on the estimate PDF, any invalid VMRS code saved to an operation will update to null when you create a new estimate.
You can review the VMRS codes for an operation by selecting it from the list on the Editing Case page. A list of valid VMRS codes is available to select from a dropdown.
See also: Add Operations and Parts to a Case
Provider Admins
Job Role Added to User Profiles
You can now assign a job role to any user in the system.
The job role you select appears next to their name when users search for them in the system. It helps other users identify them when selecting recipients for a note. Their job role does not affect their permissions or access to the system.
To add a job role to a user, open their profile for editing, and select it from the new field on the page called Job Role. The dropdown includes a full list of options including "Other" in case you don't find one that fits.
See also: Manage User and Permissions
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