All Users
Edit File Descriptions After Uploading Attachments
Last release, we made it possible for you to upload multiple attachments to a case at the same time. Now, you can edit the Description for each of those attachment after you upload them. Previously, they had to all have the same Description.
For Fleet Users, see also: Upload Attachments to a Case
For Provider Users, see also: Upload Attachments to a Case
Improved Error Messaging for Uploading Attachments
If an error occurs while you’re uploading attachments to a case, the system now gives you a detailed message of the issue and file in question to help you resolve the issue, including:
- If the file type is not supported.
- If the file size is bigger than 10MB.
- If the file name is longer than 256 characters.
- If the file content is different from the file type.
Provider Users
Email Included with Contact on Recipient List
We improved the contact list of possible recipients for a case note even more by including the email address of the contact alongside their name in the recipient list.
This is especially helpful in distinguishing the correct contact if contact names are similar.
See also: Send and Receive Case Notes
Add One-Time Contacts to a Case
When creating a contact for a case, you can now mark that contact as a “One-time contact”.
This will allow you and any one else assigned to the case to send notes and notifications to the contact about the case while the case is open.
This One-Time Contact will only apply to the case and will only appear under the list of Dealer Customer Contacts for the case when you're creating a note. It will not be added to the list of Customer Contacts for the related customer or appear in other cases for that same customer.
This helps improve communication on cases without affecting the normal list of Customer Contacts.
See also: Manage Customer Contacts
All Admin Users
Case Sensitivity Added to Emails for Users
When you're adding a new user to a location, the system will now check to make sure the email address is not already taken regardless of letter case. Previously, you could have two of the same email addresses - one with uppercase letters and the other with lowercase, and the system read them as two different addresses.
For Fleet Admins, see also: Manage Users and Permissions
For Provider Admins, see also: Manage Users and Permissions
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