The main focus of this release is to fix a few issues with time entries, maintenance schedules, and calendar entries.
All Users
Issue Fixed with Military Time Entries
If your location uses “smart” date and time fields to allow users to entire free-form text for a date and time, there was an issue where the system couldn’t recognize entries correctly that used military time.
The system can now recognize those entries and calculate the correct date and time from the user’s entry as expected.
Issue Fixed with Asset Year
There was an issue with assets from the year 2021 showing up in the system with the year 1991. Those assets will now show the appropriate year everywhere in the system.
Fleet Users
Issue Fixed with Maintenance Schedule Tab
There was an issue that caused the Maintenance Schedule tab on the Show Asset page to fail to load. This occurred if the Dealer Admin for a Fleet Location created a Maintenance Schedule to be due the next time the asset is in for service and set the condition to “every 1 day”.
Assets can now be selected for a Maintenance Schedule with the condition “every 1 day” and the Maintenance Schedule tab will populate as expected with the correct schedule displayed.
Service Providers
Issue Fixed with Unit Number on Calendar Entries
There was an issue that caused unit numbers to not display next to assets on the Calendar page if the unit number had been modified by a service provider.
Now when service providers are selecting an asset for an appointment, the most up-to-date unit number will display next to each asset as expected.
See also: Using the Calendar
Issue Fixed for Editing Bill To Customer
There was an issue that prevented service providers from changing the Bill To Customer for a case if they created that issue with an asset from a Mack/Volvo Fleet or Local Customer.
Service Providers will now be able to change the Bill To Customer for a case as expected regardless of the original customer associated with the asset.
Minor Copy Changes for Motor Information
On the Editing Case page and Edit Operation page, we’ve combined the text at the bottom of the screen that tells you “MOTOR labor time was used” with the MOTOR copyright information to make it more concise.
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