The main focus of this release is to help Dealer Admins manage the list of users on the Note Recipient list and Workflow Assignment list, as well as defect fixes.
Fleet Users
Issue Fixed with Access to Attachments
When you invited a service provider, who isn't part of a registered service location in the system, to view a case in the application, they had some issues with viewing and downloading attachments they uploaded to the case.
Now when you share a case with users outside the application, the invited user can upload, view, and download attachments for the case as expected.
Provider Dealer Admins
User Account Settings for Workflow and Notes
We added two new user settings to the Edit User page that give you the option of removing a user from the Note Recipient and/or Workflow Assignment lists. By default, when you add a user to your location, they are added as an option to both these lists.
These new settings appear on the User Details tab of the Edit User page.
By unchecking these boxes and removing the user from the Notes and/or Workflow Assignment lists, you can manage the number of users that appear in those lists.
This will make it easier for your other users to find the user they need when sending a note or reassigning a case.
Regardless of this setting, users in your service location will still be able to view notes and workflow assignments for a case, as well as send notes to users about a case. If the user chooses to add a note to a case, they will be added to the list of possible recipients for only that case.
See also: Manage Users and Permissions
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