SMS Text Notifications for Customer Contacts
SMS Text Communication for Customer Contacts
Reply via SMS (when enabled by the service provider)
Reply via SMS (when not enabled by the service provider)
Decisiv has introduced a new set of features to support bi-directional mobile communications. This communication includes support for bi-directional SMS text messaging, as well as access to a mobile version of case for notes and estimate approvals. To read an overview and summary of all the features, as well as a video demonstration, see Bi-Directional Mobile Communcations - Overview and Help Article Summaries.
SMS Text Notifications for Customer Contacts
Customer contacts that have been enabled to receive SMS text notifications will receive an initial SMS text message informing them they have been invited to communicate with their provider on a case. Contacts will also be invited to update their contact profile with an email address (if they choose to) in the event one hasn't been entered when their contact profile was created.
Each time the service provider selects a contact from the Recipient Menus for Notes or Quick Action Buttons (Checked-in, Request Approval, Asset Ready, or Asset In Service), they will receive a subsequent SMS text message notification. The figures below shows an example of a note generated by the provider hitting the CHECK-IN Quick Action Button and the subsequent SMS text notification to the contact.
Service Provider Case View
Customer Contact SMS Text View
As shown in the example above, all SMS text notifications will include a brief message regarding the subject and a link that takes the contact to the mobile version of Case where they can review and reply to case notes and create new notes via their mobile device (e.g., cellphone or tablet). See below for the same notification the contact would see in the mobile version of Case.
Customer Contact Mobile Case View
VIDEO: Here's a video demonstration of mobile communications with customers (advance to timestamp 1:20).
If you need help enabling customer contacts to receive SMS text notifications, see the following articles:
- Bi-Directional Mobile Communications - Creating Customer Contacts
- Bi-Directional Mobile Communications - Managing Customer Contacts.
SMS Text Communication for Customer Contacts
As noted in the overview, contacts can reply in two different modes when receiving SMS notifications; first, by replying directly to the notification via SMS text (if the service provider has enabled this mode) and second, by clicking the link to communicate via the mobile version of Case.
Reply via SMS (when enabled by the service provider)
Directly replying to an SMS text notification via a text message on the mobile device will create a new note in the case. The figures below show the reply on the contact's phone and how that looks in the service provider's case.
Customer Contact SMS Text View
Service Provider Case View
Each note created by replying directly to an SMS or through the mobile version of Case will show who the message is from and who it is to, as well as be date and time stamp.
Reply via SMS (when not enabled by the service provider)
If a Contact attempts to reply directly to an SMS notification for a location that has the Direct Reply to SMS disabled, they will receive a SMS notification back advising that the location is not enabled for direct replies. This is shown in the figure below.
Notes via Mobile Case
Regardless of whether or not the service provider has enabled reply by SMS, contacts can always reply via the mobile version of Case. Clicking the provided Link in the SMS will place the contact in the mobile version where they can review and reply to the most recent note associated with the SMS notification. The first figure below shows the contact's SMS texting application and the second show the contact's mobile version of Case on the right.
The steps to reply to a note via the mobile version of Case are the same as for the web version:
You can also:
These steps and capabilities are shown below.
Review the Original Note
Once in the mobile version of Case, contacts can review the original note they are replying to by selecting the SHOW ORIGINAL NOTE drop-down icon.
Search for Recipients
Contacts also have the ability to edit the recipients they'd like to send the reply to by selecting the EDIT link located in the "Send to:" area.
Clicking the EDIT link will place them in the mobile contact search screen.
Select Recipients
Once on the contact search screen, users can search for recipients from the selected contact group by entering a name, job title, email, or phone number into the search field and clicking the search button.
Recipients are selected by selecting the box to the left of their contact information.
Once selected, contacts will need to click the SAVE RECIPIENTS button located at the bottom of the screen to add them as recipients.
Enter and Send Note
Once the recipients have been saved, the user will be placed back on the note screen with the updated recipients populated in the "Send to:" area, and can move forward with entering and sending the new note.
Once the new note has been sent, the user will be placed back on the mobile case Notes screen where their reply will be viewable in addition to other previous case notes.
Reply All
Contacts can also reply to notes that include multiple recipients from the Case Notes screen. Clicking the REPLY ALL link located below the note will place the user on the note screen, providing the ability to reply to all recipients without having to search for and select them.
Send a New Note
Contacts that have been invited to communicate on a case can create new notes from within the mobile version of case when clicking the CREATE NOTE button.
Clicking the CREATE NOTE button will place the user on the mobile Case note screen where they can select contacts and send the new case note.
For more information on using bi-directional mobile communications features, please see the following help articles on:
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