Sending Mobile Estimates to Customer Contacts
How Customer Contacts Review and Approve Mobile Estimates
How Customer Contacts Can View Estimate Version in a Case
Decisiv has introduced a new set of features to support bi-directional mobile communications. This communication includes support for bi-directional SMS text messaging, as well as access to a mobile version of case for notes and estimate approvals. To read an overview and summary of all the features, as well as a video demonstration, see Bi-Directional Mobile Communcations - Overview and Help Article Summaries.
Sending Mobile Estimates to Customer Contacts
Contacts with a mobile number and SMS text notifications enabled will have the ability to receive, review, approve, defer, and decline estimate items, as well as view estimate history from their mobile device. These notifications are enabled by the service provider when creating or editing contacts, as shown in the figure below.
Here's a video demonstration of mobile estimate approval (advance to timestamp 05:23).
If you need help enabling customer contacts to receive SMS text notifications, see the following articles:
- Bi-Directional Mobile Communications - Creating Customer Contacts
- Bi-Directional Mobile Communications - Managing Customer Contacts.
Sending a mobile estimate from a case to a contact is no different then how an estimate is sent to a contact that uses email to view and approve estimates, or a fleet user that uses the fleet portal to do the same. Start by clicking the REQUEST APPROVAL Quick Action Button at the top of the case screen.
This will take you to the Request Approval Quick Action Button form. On that form, select the contact you wish to send the estimate to from the "Recipients" dropdown. Then complete the rest of the form as you normally would (e.g., to fill in the "ETR" field and add a "Note") and click the REQUEST APPROVAL button.
If the contact has a mobile number and is enabled for SMS text notification, the case system will automatically send a mobile estimate via SMS text.
How Customer Contacts View and Approve Mobile Estimates
The contact will receive an SMS text notification that includes the location, unit number, serial number, status of "Hold (auth)" (i.e., holding for authorization), and a link to the mobile estimate.
Clicking the link provided in the SMS text notification will open the contact’s mobile web browser and take them to the "Viewing Case" screen.
On the Viewing Case screen, the contact can view the estimate line items, as well as click the "PDF" icon to download a .pdf version of the estimate. This is the same .pdf version a customer would receive in an email notification or if a fleet user, download from the fleet portal.
To review and update operations directly on this screen, the user can select an option from the dropdown for each line item. This will enable the users to change the status of each line item from a "Pending" status to either "Approve", "Decline", or "Defer", similar to what a fleet user can do in the fleet portal.
Changing the operation status from "Pending" to any of the other options will place the contact on the screen associated with the selected status, as shown below. Declining and Deferring operations require the contact to select a reason from the dropdown list, which is helpful for the contact as well as the service provider. All three options allow contacts the opportunity to provide additional comments to the service provider as well.
Contacts can also Approve, Decline or Defer all listed operations in a single action by clicking the checkbox in the table header to the left of the "Operation" column.
This action will automatically trigger the DECLINE, DEFER and APPROVE buttons to appear on the bottom of the screen. Clicking one of the buttons will put the contact on the screen for the selected status. The example below is how this would look if the APPROVE button was clicked.
Whether approving, declining or deferring operations individually or altogether, once all operations have been updated from Pending to Approved, Declined, or Deferred, the SUBMIT button will become active so the Contact can submit their updates to the service provider.
After clicking the SUBMIT button, the contact will be placed on the mobile case "Notes" screen where the recently updated estimate status will be shown as a note.
How Customer Contacts Can View Estimate Versions in a Case
From the Viewing Case screen, contacts can also view previous versions of the estimate for that case. To see them, the user can scroll to the "Estimate History" section at the bottom of the screen. This section will show a one-line summary of each version of the estimate.
Selecting the "arrow" icon (as pictured above) will land contacts on the mobile estimate "Request Detail" screen for that particular version. As shown below in the first figure, the contact will be able to see additional estimate details and access the .pdf of that version of the estimate. The contact can click on "More details" to expand the screen to see the individual line items and statuses, as shown below in the seconed figure.
For more information on using bi-directional mobile communications features, please see the following help articles on:
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